Hieronder zijn alle rapportages te vinden die zijn opgesteld door de Nederlandse groep. Alle internationale publicaties zijn beschikbaar via de bibliotheek op de website van AIPPI International.
- Q289: Harmonisation of disclosure requirements and consequences of non-compliance
- Q290: Conflicts between composite trademarks including non-distinctive elements
- Q291: Defence of parody in copyright
- Q292: Unjustified allegations of infringement of IP rights
- Q284: Doctrine of equivalents
- Q285: Proving trade mark use
- Q287: Responsibility of online marketplaces for online infringement
- Q280: Patentability of Diagnostic Methods
- Q281: Trade Marks and the Internet and Social Media
- Q282: Copyright Moral Rights
- Q283: Protection of Trade Secrets During Civil Proceedings
- Q276 Inventiveness and sufficiency of disclosure in AI inventions
- Q277 Registrability of TMs against public order or morality
- Q278 Industrial Designs and the Role of Prior Art
- Q279 Reasonable awareness in compensation for infringement of IP rights
- Q272 Inventorship of inventions made using artificial intelligence
- Q273 Descriptive use as a defense in trademark proceedings
- Q274 IP rights in data
- Q275Standing to litigate and effect on remedies
- 2019 Study Question – Plausibility
- 2019 Study Question – Consumer survey evidence
- 2019 Study Question – Copyright in artificially generated works
- 2019 Study Question – IP damages for acts other than sales
- Report of the Dutch Group on the 2nd Hague Questionnaire 2018
- 2018 Study Question – Conflicting applications
- 2018 Study Question – Partial designs
- 2018 Study Question – Registrability of 3D trademarks
- 2018 Study Question – Joint liability of IP infringement
- 2017 Study Question – Bad faith trademarks
- 2017 Study Question – Patentability of computer implemented inventions
- 2017 Study Question – Protection of Graphical User Interfaces
- Report Dutch Group Inventor Remuneration, September 2017
- Report Dutch Group – Standing Committee on Geographical Indications, September 2017
- 2016 Patent: Added matter: the standard for determining adequate support for amendments
- 2016 Copyright: Linking and making available on the Internet
- 2016 Designs: Requirements for the protection of designs (with a particular focus on the role of functionality)
- 2016 General IP: Security interests over intellectual property
- Q247 Trade secrets
- Q246 Exceptions and limitations of copyright protection for libraries and archives, and for educational and research institutes
- Q245 Taking unfair advantage of trademarks: parasitism and free riding
- Q244 Inventorship of multinational inventions
- Q241: IP Licensing and insolvency 2014
- Q240: Exhaustion issues in copyright law
- Q239: The basic mark requirement under the Madrid system
- Q238: Second medical use or indication claims
- Report Dutch Group on Plain Packaging, augustus 2013
- Q228 Special Committee Prior user rights
- Q236: Relief in IP proceedings other than injunctions or damages
- Q235: Term of copyright protection
- Q234: Relevant public for determining the degree of recognition of famous marks, well-known marks and marks with reputation
- Q233: Grace period for patents
- Q232 The relevance of traditional knowledge to intellectual property law
- Q231 The interplay between design and copyright protection for industrial product
- Q230 Infringement of trademarks by goods in transit
- Q229 The use of prosecution history in post-grant patent proceedings
- Q219 Injunctions in cases of infringement of IPRs
- Q218 The requirement of genuine use of trademarks for maintaining protection
- Q217 The patentability criteria for inventive step / non-obviousness
- Q216B Exceptions to Copyright Protection and the Permitted Uses of Copyright Works in the Hi-tech and Digital sectors
- Q215 Protection of trade secrets through IPR and unfair competition law
- Q214 Protection against the dilution of a trademark
- Q213 The person skilled in the art in the context of the inventive step requirement in patent law
Voor 2010
- Q205 Exhaustion of IPRs in cases of recycling or repair of goods
- Q204P Liability for contributory infringement of IPRs – certain aspects of patent infringement
- Q204 Liability for contributory infringements of IPRs
- Q203 Damages for infringement, counterfeiting and piracy of trademark
- Q202 The impact of public health issues on exclusive patent rights
- Q195 Limitations of the Trademark Protection
- Q194 The impact of co-ownership of Intellectual Property Rights on their exploitation
- Q193 Divisional, Continuation and Continuation in Part Patent Applications
- Q192 Acquiescence (tolerance) to infringement of IP Rights
- Q190 Contracts regarding Intellectual Property Rights (assignments and licenses) and third parties
- Q189 Amendment of patent claims after grant (in court and administrative proceedings, including re-examination proceedings requested by third parties)
- Q188 Conflicts between trademark protection and free speech. Answers of the Dutch group
- Q187 Limitations on exclusive IP rights by competition law
- Q186 Punitive damages as a contentious issue of IP Rights
- Q185 Enforcement of IP rights
- Q182 Database Protection at National and International Level
- Q181 Conditions for registrations and scope of protection of non-conventional trademarks
- Q175 The role of equivalence and prosecution history in defining the scope of patent protection
- Q174 Jurisdiction and applicable law in the cases of cross-border infringement
- Q173 Issue of coexistence of trademarks and domain names
- Q170 Does your country have a grace period system?
- Q169 Criminal law sanctions with regard to the infringement of intellectual property rights
- Q168 Use of a Mark ‘as a Mark’ as a Legal Requirement in Respect of Acquisition, Maintenance and Infringement of Rights
- AIPPI Q167 Current standards for prior art disclosure in assessing novelty and inventive step requirements
- AIPPI Q165 Optional Protocol to the EPC with regard to litigation concerning European Patents
- AIPPI Q114 Biotechnology incl. Plant Breeders Rights. Questionnaire by Special Committee, answers of the Dutch Group